Post 220

Naked Thoughts



While in youth, men are weighted down with doubt that they can fulfil the standardised masculinity, but in old age, after accepting their limitations, self-doubt will most likely take on the form of parody. 


You are already engaged in doing something, so why do you rush off and do something else?


Our affairs have consequences for other people’s affairs, but those affairs provide us with the vitality of social interactions, so we may want to proceed with tolerance. 


It is entirely up to us how far we want to engage with reality; as reality presents itself as impartial, neutral, and given, we are responsible for the outcome of our engagements.


How old must one grow before accepting that failure is the most common human trait? 


What is one supposed to do when wedged between a new liberal who wants to lock up all losers in a labour camp and a buffoon who presents us with a caricature of a left-wing version of reality?


They walk with a swagger,

their heads swelled with pride,

they do not realise,

it is the reliance on the externals,

helping them to thrive.


When comparing a psychopath and an idealist, one might want to consider for the former that there are only winners and losers, human beings that can be disposed of at will. In contrast, the idealist might take it upon himself to judge who is worth living or not, a slight difference in semantics but monstrous in consequences.

Published by

Artist, architect, free thinker, outsider, at the dusk of his life, with not "much more" to lose, no ambitions, no wants and very little needs.

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